Kate Moss is everywhere!
1st news: Does Topshop finally disembark to New York tomorrow after 7 months of delay on the official planning, in Manhattan more precisely, and guess who there will be for the inauguration? Kate Moss evidently.
But second news, more close to us this time: the new spring-be collection of Kate at TopShop began to filter on internet.
A shirt of inspiration cowboy, why not, with wings why not either, but there I find that personally too masculine. To less that it is "breakable" with high heels and a skirt?
Oh ouiiii
Kate Moss declared that she had concentrated this time on printed matters and that she had before worked quite the colors for this line spring-summer. She/it will also take for the English mark a line of lingerie. The blue card is going to heat on the site of topshop!
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