Décryptage of look: Mariah Carey for his/her/its new clip

Oh oh oh. There is so much to dire. 

Mariah Carey, that will celebrate his/her/its 40 years the next year, has just finished the filming of his/her/its last "Obsessed" clip in New York. And there, oh surprise, she/it makes us his/her/its Eddie Murphy (that played 7 characters in the Professor Foldingue in 1996):


in valet parking attendant to the Plaza Hotel


in Eminem - XXL jogging + cap - that gets ready to cross the street

We can henceforth affirm it: so Mariah Carey was a man, would she be physically little appealing (that what is this GOAT Marioh?) (yes so Mariah was a man her himself Marioh appelerait).

To note that the true Mariah Carey, to the natural it is:


Of the pad to the tit and the tailor python. Ed Hardy

I am in a hurry to see the clip. I didn't laugh since 1999 at least (the last time it was while looking at Video Gag)

Décryptage of look: Mariah Carey for his/her/its new clip


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