Day "everybody in small holding" - part 1

It is fine, he/it is hot, it is the weekend and the polar bears are drooling some stern so that we can live in quasi-holding of Eve. one day we will regret the lack of concern of the sunny days, then I don't want to put you the pressure, but as much to benefit some!

Where I live, one cuts the courses while going to the beach, one knows all good paninis of the restaurants that borders the sea and the swimsuit is as important as can be he the coat of winter in Quebec. In other words: is better to invest.

I am going to save you the traditional "if you have the overdeveloped hips choose the shorty tendency clip of Snoop Dogg" and other "the bikini triangle suits the small chests" better (what is true, except so Lolo Ferrari is of course your idol). Speak finally of useful details that are resulted from the secret by generations of women.

What counts in the swimsuit, it is that you can make some bombs with to the swimming pool or that you can romp in the waves without taking the risk to have a breast that wants to taste the rays of the sun or a pocket of sand in the panties that would make you pass

for a transsexual on vacation. For it, verify that your swimsuit tightens you slightly when you l'try "to dry" because he/it will relax by dint of soaking in water.

Not only forget to choose a swimsuit too échancré, it submit to a perfect depilation... finally, NO, rest this paréo in bloom, yes he/it is very pretty for a tablecloth of garden, but rolled up around your size he/it will make you a behind of jellyfish head!









© Serenade Collection summer 2008


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